[Episode #21] – The Role of Development Banks in Energy Transition
Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) like the World Bank, the African Development Bank and the Asian Development Bank are publicly committed to ending energy poverty and enabling energy access to the...
View Article[Episode #22] – Can Economics Guide the Energy Transition?
Is conventional, free-market economic theory really up to the task of energy transition and combating climate change? Can we let the so-called invisible hand of the market guide us through the troubled...
View Article[Episode #23] – Facts and Falsehoods in Energy Transition
Should we tweak our markets to keep nuclear plants alive, or forget about markets and pay for them another way… and do we really need them at all to keep the grid functioning? Is nuclear power really...
View Article[Episode #24] – Starting Over
What if we didn’t have to work around the grid we have today, with all of its inertia and incumbents and inflexibility? If we could start over and design the grid from scratch, what would it look like?...
View Article[Episode #25] – The Energy-Water Nexus
Energy and water are inextricably linked: It takes energy to supply water, and it takes water to supply energy. And those processes consume vast amounts of both. Yet we have only really begun to study...
View Article[Episode #26] – Geoengineering
As the world continues to struggle with the effects of climate change, energy transition is more important than ever as a key pathway to stopping global warming. But will it be enough? Many serious...
View Article[eLab Extra #1] – Next Generation Demand Response
This is a special edition of the Energy Transition Show with Chris Nelder, recorded in December 2016 at RMI’s eLab Annual Summit in Austin, Texas. Can utilities disrupt themselves, or does it take an...
View Article[eLab Extra #2] – Hawaii’s Energy Transition
This is a special, free "extra" episode recorded at RMI’s eLab Annual Summit in December, 2016, in Austin, Texas. How is Hawaii managing one of the most rapid energy transitions in history to variable...
View Article[eLab Extra #3] – Grid Modernization and DERPs
This is a special, free "extra" episode recorded at RMI’s eLab Annual Summit in December, 2016, in Austin, Texas. Grid architecture is evolving, with loads becoming increasingly indistinguishable from...
View Article[Episode #1] – The Real War on Coal
How the real war on coal is about economics, geology, and little skirmishes in local courts, not a national or presidential campaign; and the tragic failing of politics to address the phasing-out of...
View Article[Episode #2] – Limits on the Grid – Part 1
What the modeling work of our national renewable energy lab tells us about how far renewables can go on the grid under various scenarios, and their real technical limits. Geek rating: 7 Guest: Mackay...
View Article[Episode #3] – Limits on the Grid – Part 2
How energy markets need to change to level the playing field for renewables, how renewables should be valued, and whether wind and solar must "eat their own lunch" by virtue of having a free marginal...
View Article[Episode #4] – Energiewende
All about Germany's famed energy transition effort, the Energiewende. What it is, what it isn't (with a strong dose of mythbusting), and what the future of grid power looks like from one of the...
View Article[Episode #5] – Winning the Carbon War
One man's sweeping ride through three decades of campaigning for action on climate and deploying solar from a veteran of the "carbon wars," plus his pithy observations on what our leaders in government...
View Article[Episode #6] – Transition from Oil
The recent history of oil production and prices, the future of the oil industry, the potential for transitioning away from oil and the opportunity for EVs, and ERCI - the Energy Returned on Capital...
View Article[Episode #34] – Transition in the North Sea and Netherlands
The North Seas Countries’ Offshore Grid Initiative would knit together the power grids of the countries adjacent to the North Sea, and enable a far greater share of renewables—especially offshore...
View Article[eLab Extra #4] – Transition in New York and the World
This is a special, free "extra" episode recorded at RMI’s eLab Annual Summit in December 2016 in Austin, Texas. What are some of the ways that New York is building its resilience capacity while...
View Article[eLab Extra #5] – EVs and More in Austin, TX
This is a special, free "extra" episode recorded at RMI’s eLab Annual Summit in December 2016 in Austin, Texas. Through a variety of programs, Austin Energy, the eighth largest publicly-owned electric...
View Article[eLab Extra #6] – Building EV Charging Infrastructure
This is a special, free "extra" episode recorded at RMI’s eLab Annual Summit in December 2016 in Austin, Texas. Should utilities be allowed to own EV charging infrastructure, or should that be reserved...
View Article[eLab Extra #7] – How NREL Supports Energy Transition
This is a special, free "extra" episode recorded at RMI’s eLab Annual Summit in December 2016 in Austin, Texas. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) based in Golden, Colorado provides a wide...
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