All about EROI (Energy Return on Investment), the state of biophysical economics, the relationship between energy and ecology, and what EROI could and should tell us about the outlook for a fuel -- for example, can we run a society on renewables? And in the news segment: LNG's troubled future, how low oil prices are causing surging gasoline consumption, and the risk of the next oil price spike.
Geek rating: 6
Guest: Dave Murphy, Assistant Professor, St. Lawrence University
On Twitter: @djmurphy04
On the web:
Taping date: November 15, 2015
Murphy: The implications of the declining energy return on investment of oil production (Dec 2013)
Murphy: Archive of EROI publications
Nelder: What EROI tells us about ROI (Sep 2012)
Nelder: Has vehicle efficiency really curbed U.S. oil demand? (Feb 2012)
Jenny Hsu (WSJ): Hopes for ‘Golden Age of Gas’ Evaporate (Nov 2015)